

not available

Sonarrlink is an unofficial app for your Sonarr-System to manage your Series Library.Sonarrlink gives you an overview over your Series and its Episodes.***To use this app you must have a sonarr system installed on your server/computer. All data that is used in this app is provided by sonarr and accessed via the API.Further informations about Sonarr can be found at:
***Note: If you use an SSL-Connection make sure you have installed your certificate and CA on your Device,
android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTSandroid.permission.GET_ACCOUNTSandroid.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS- This Permissions are necessary to create and manage your profiles for your connections to Sonarr.
android.permission.INTERNET- The permission for internet is necessary to be able to connect to your Sonarr-System.
android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED- Is nessecary to Start the Notification Service for upcoming episodes after Rebooting the Device.